Master Data Management

All User Positions

To access this page:

  1. Select Master Data Management > Settings > User Settings in the Navigation pane.

  2. Click the All User Positions icon in the Page toolbar.

NOTE: You must belong to the PowerUser, PowerDesigner, or UserManager MDM WebApp group to access this page.



Assign Calendar

Click to open the User Calendar page in Common to assign a calendar to the selected user.


Displays the position ID assigned to the selected user.


Displays the calendar to which the user is assigned.

NOTE: All users in the position must have the calendar specified at the Position level. Calendars are maintained and users are assigned to calendars in Common. Refer to Use a Calendar for more information.


If checked, the user has been configured to be a backup for another user, and inherits the user’s positions until the expiration date. Refer to Assign a Backup User for more information.


Displays the date that the user is no longer a backup user and is no longer assigned to the user’s positions.


Displays how users receive notifications in their position-based mailbox when a request role that they own is canceled, deleted, posted, posted with errors, rejected, and reset. This also controls SLA notifications when the user is set as a role owner on a request role. Refer to Add Role Owners for more information. 


Displays how users receive notifications in their position-based mailbox when a request role that they own is submitted with all dependencies complete and is ready to be worked on.


Displays how users receive notifications in their position-based mailbox for a request for all SLA notifications (referred to as the LateNotify event) related to the request, even if the user does not own the request role. 


Displays how users receive escalation notifications in their position-based mailbox when a request role is late as determined by the SLA Late Cycles set at the category level. 

The SLA Late Cycles value is a number that determines how many cycles a request can be late before escalation notifications are sent.

The SLA Late Cycles value ranges from 1 to N, where the number indicates how many multiples of the role's SLA level pass before an Escalation notification is sent. 

For example, a role with an SLA of 1 day and 6 hours in a category where this SLA Late Cycles value is set to 5 would result in SLA notifications being sent:

  • At 1 day and 6 hours for the Late SLA notification

  • At 5 days and 30 hours for the Escalation notification 

If the SLA Late Cycles value  is 1, the Late SLA notification and the Escalation notification are sent at the same time.

All users assigned to the role that have the workflow notification settings set for ESCALATION on this page and the User Setttings pages are notified on the escalation date.